
How to Characterize an App for Aligning Images to Create a Time Lapse

Introduction Creating a time lapse involves capturing a series of images over a period of time and stitching them together to show the progression of a scene. This technique is widely used in photography and videography to depict changes that occur too slowly to be perceived in real-time, such as the movement of clouds, the …

How to Characterize an App for Aligning Images to Create a Time Lapse Read More »

Don’t be a loser, use QR Codes with AI Photo culling software !

What are we talking about ? Photographers who shoot high-volume like headshots for corporation, schools or retail fashion are now using more and more integrated software based on QR code to speed up their workflow. The QR code is segmenting the shoot by subject, each being uploaded eventually on a dedicated space only accessible to …

Don’t be a loser, use QR Codes with AI Photo culling software ! Read More »

How efficient can Artificial Intelligence be when it comes to photo culling – Episode 2

Introduction A year ago, I have defined an estimated efficiency of AI photo culling. In the meantime, the company I am leading, Camera Futura, has made further improvements on their flagship product, Futura Photo, and it is now possible to refine this estimated efficiency. The rates of “false positive” (FP: wrongly detected to be discarded, …

How efficient can Artificial Intelligence be when it comes to photo culling – Episode 2 Read More »

How AI Can Help The Culling Of Similar Images Right After The Photoshoot – Episode 2: Burst mode

Introduction We already discussed in a previous blog post how AI can Help the culling of similar images. But we did not elaborate on how it could help when the photographer was shooting in burst mode. Burst mode shooting is the action of shooting using the bust mode, typically up to 10-20 images per second. …

How AI Can Help The Culling Of Similar Images Right After The Photoshoot – Episode 2: Burst mode Read More »

Are Rating stars a good match to automated photo culling ?

Reminder: what rating stars are OK, so the 1-5 stars serve as a rating system, “allowing users to quickly identify which photos they prefer and which they would like to discard. The specific method used to assign stars to photos varies, but it may be based on factors such as image quality, composition, and subject …

Are Rating stars a good match to automated photo culling ? Read More »

Auto-Alignment of Time Lapses – Episode 2 : why “Futura Time Lapse”?

Introduction I have already written in a former blog post why there is a need to automatically align time lapse members when shooting either during windy conditions or with a tele-lens. The conclusion of this post were: for those who don’t want to pay more than $20 / month or spend hours to understand how …

Auto-Alignment of Time Lapses – Episode 2 : why “Futura Time Lapse”? Read More »

How efficient can Artificial Intelligence be when it comes to photo culling

Introduction AI (Artificial Intelligence) and photo culling is becoming more and more mainstream with different software vendors proposing apps to photographers to ease their photo culling and perform it faster. Of course, there is no silver bullet and besides the fact each apps have strengths and limits as usual, there are critics and some are …

How efficient can Artificial Intelligence be when it comes to photo culling Read More »

Why Futura Photo ?

November the 14th of 2019 has been the day of the official launch for Futura Photo 1.0. The company behind this software if Camera Futura Sàrl, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The software aims at streamlining the pre-process steps needed after a photo session. Indeed, over the last years, I have had the feelings I was …

Why Futura Photo ? Read More »

A "good" image for some, but no rules can apply and some will not even like this image

They are no rules for good photographs, but they are rules for poor photographs

As DPReview’s Nigel Danson reminds us, and to quote Ansel Adams: “There are no rules for good photographs. There are just good photographs”. They are no rule for good photographs, fair enough, but I am convinced they are rules to define and detect the poor ones, whatever poor may mean for the photographer. In a …

They are no rules for good photographs, but they are rules for poor photographs Read More »