
How to sync automatically photos shot by a mirrorless camera to your cloud provider, like a smartphone !

Summary You can now avoid downloading images from memory cards (CF /SD ….) to your computer by using your smartphone as a bridge to your cloud provider where you store your images. This article explains you how and what the limitations are. Introduction With your smartphone camera, you shoot, and the images can be automatically …

How to sync automatically photos shot by a mirrorless camera to your cloud provider, like a smartphone ! Read More »

Can we at last get rid off SD cards For our mirrorless cameras ?

What is this post about? I have been wondering for years what were the technical reasons that prevented a better integration of a DSLR or a mirrorless camera to your smartphone. Connectivity is certainly key. Why that? Because if your camera were coupled to your smartphone like your smartphone’s camera is to your smartphone, it …

Can we at last get rid off SD cards For our mirrorless cameras ? Read More »

A time travel to understand why we, photographers, rarely need new gear but for a few good reasons

What this post is about I have  tested 35mm focal lenses bought between…. 1992 and 2020. What’s the point? To show that we can, and should, just come back to the basics. Yes, lenses are much better that what they used to be but don’t be fooled, it is always the same story because physics …

A time travel to understand why we, photographers, rarely need new gear but for a few good reasons Read More »

Why modern Hybrid or DSLR cameras should have 5G

Introduction Smartphone cameras are getting always better, but it is obvious there will be for (more than) a while DSLR and hybrid interchangeable lenses cameras as many kinds of images kind cannot be shot with smartphones. However, one of the major very well-known limitation of these “non-smartphone cameras” is the lack of connectivity with the …

Why modern Hybrid or DSLR cameras should have 5G Read More »

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 5: Controls and Ergonomics

Introduction In the part 1, I have introduced the purpose of the tests I am doing. In this 1st part, I have genuinely compared the Samsung S20 Fan Edition FG (“S20 FE” in this post) with an APS-C camera (Nikon Z50) and an old but respected full frame Nikon D750. The point of these tests is …

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 5: Controls and Ergonomics Read More »

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 4: Portraits

Introduction In the part 1, I have introduced the purpose of the tests I am doing. In this 1st part, I have genuinely compared the Samsung S20 Fan Edition FG (“S20 FE” in this post) with an APS-C camera (Nikon Z50) and an old but respected full frame Nikon D750. The point of these tests is …

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 4: Portraits Read More »

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 3: Panorama

Introduction In the part 1, I have introduced the purpose of the tests I am doing. In this 1st part, I have genuinely compared the Samsung S20 Fan Edition FG (“S20 FE” in this post) with an APS-C camera (Nikon Z50) and an old but respected full frame Nikon D750. The point of these tests …

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 3: Panorama Read More »

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 2: low light conditions

Introduction In the part 1 , I have introduced the purpose of the tests I am doing. In this 1st part, I have genuinely compared the Samsung S20 Fan Edition FG (“S20 FE” in this post) with an APS-C camera (Nikon Z50) and an old but respected full frame Nikon D750. The point of these …

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 2: low light conditions Read More »

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 1

What this post is about I am an enthusiast photographer, which means I am not a Pro but I am fine to carry a few kg of gear just for the pleasure to take photos. And I am OK to spend hours just to try to make one good photo. I have been looking for …

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 1 Read More »