The title is a little bit pompous. The aim of this page is to briefly discuss photo viewers and tools needed to manage the images you have shot. It refers to “Digital Asset Management” (“DAM”), fair enough but this software category is already covered extensively by analysts like any other Enterprise software and most of the time, this DAM can be simplified, indeed, by “Photo viewers, browsing and archiving tools”.
The photo viewer is certainly a very important tool, not only productivity-wise. Some famous tools are Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Bridge, or of course Google Photos.
Another free tool, a little but outmoded but a free tool, mature and useful is Faststone.
Of course there is much more. The challenge is more about really understand the value you can get from the software. It is also important to understand how it will be part of your workflow with the other software. Photos viewers have a tendency to become more and more a kind of hook, more or less well integrated with other services of a provider , just to lock you in with this provider.
Fast, responsive and features-rich is not enough for photo viewers and photo managers. What can really make the different is basically the number of clicks and seconds you need for performing all the steps needed from downloading the images to publishing them.