
Culling similar images after a photoshoot: the rule of 8

Introduction Culling the images is a tedious task that is needed after each photo shoot. It is however extremely important. So, there is both the need to fasten it and to improve it. Therefore, over the last few years, several software has been developed to bring this kind of value to their user. Let’s discuss …

Culling similar images after a photoshoot: the rule of 8 Read More »

What is the point to automatically detect panorama members?

Introduction Smartphones can automatically stitch panorama members quickly and efficiently. And for many purposes, this is all you need. But some photographers like to shoot first, using RAW files for instance, and merge the images later with specific software. It could be Hugin, Photoshop, Lightroom, whatever. However, they do need to process this workflow through …

What is the point to automatically detect panorama members? Read More »

Why modern Hybrid or DSLR cameras should have 5G

Introduction Smartphone cameras are getting always better, but it is obvious there will be for (more than) a while DSLR and hybrid interchangeable lenses cameras as many kinds of images kind cannot be shot with smartphones. However, one of the major very well-known limitation of these “non-smartphone cameras” is the lack of connectivity with the …

Why modern Hybrid or DSLR cameras should have 5G Read More »

Automation of photo culling: why detecting Eyes closed is not enough, by far

Introduction Automation of photo culling is becoming trendy with several project that have started since less than a couple of years, even though it is still far from being mainstream if not just accepted as a real potential advantage for your workflow as a photographer. A feature proposed by most project is to cull images …

Automation of photo culling: why detecting Eyes closed is not enough, by far Read More »

Some Tests About Strengths And Limits Of Modern Smartphones Cameras For An Enthusiast Photographer – Part 6: wrap-up, and perspectives

Introduction In the part 1, I have introduced the purpose of the tests I am doing. In this 1st part, I have genuinely compared the Samsung S20 Fan Edition FG (“S20 FE” in this post) with an APS-C camera (Nikon Z50) and an old but respected full frame Nikon D750. The point of these tests is …

Some Tests About Strengths And Limits Of Modern Smartphones Cameras For An Enthusiast Photographer – Part 6: wrap-up, and perspectives Read More »

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 5: Controls and Ergonomics

Introduction In the part 1, I have introduced the purpose of the tests I am doing. In this 1st part, I have genuinely compared the Samsung S20 Fan Edition FG (“S20 FE” in this post) with an APS-C camera (Nikon Z50) and an old but respected full frame Nikon D750. The point of these tests is …

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 5: Controls and Ergonomics Read More »

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 4: Portraits

Introduction In the part 1, I have introduced the purpose of the tests I am doing. In this 1st part, I have genuinely compared the Samsung S20 Fan Edition FG (“S20 FE” in this post) with an APS-C camera (Nikon Z50) and an old but respected full frame Nikon D750. The point of these tests is …

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 4: Portraits Read More »

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 3: Panorama

Introduction In the part 1, I have introduced the purpose of the tests I am doing. In this 1st part, I have genuinely compared the Samsung S20 Fan Edition FG (“S20 FE” in this post) with an APS-C camera (Nikon Z50) and an old but respected full frame Nikon D750. The point of these tests …

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 3: Panorama Read More »

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 2: low light conditions

Introduction In the part 1 , I have introduced the purpose of the tests I am doing. In this 1st part, I have genuinely compared the Samsung S20 Fan Edition FG (“S20 FE” in this post) with an APS-C camera (Nikon Z50) and an old but respected full frame Nikon D750. The point of these …

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 2: low light conditions Read More »

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 1

What this post is about I am an enthusiast photographer, which means I am not a Pro but I am fine to carry a few kg of gear just for the pleasure to take photos. And I am OK to spend hours just to try to make one good photo. I have been looking for …

Some tests about strengths and limits of modern smartphones cameras for an enthusiast photographer – Part 1 Read More »